Current Seawater Status at the Marine Science Center, Nahant, MA.

Seawater status:
Time is in Eastern Standard Time (GMT-5:00). No Daylight Savings Time adjustment.

Archived temperature data:


Notes: Archived data are stored in 4-column comma-separated-value files. The first column (TimeEST) is the time of the measurement in Eastern Standard Time (GMT-5:00). There is no daylight-savings time adjustment in these files. The second and third columns are the seawater temperature and air temperature, respectively, in degrees Celsius. Missing data are denoted with a NA. The 4th column indicates the water flow status in the Marine Science Center seawater system, 1 for flowing, 0 for no-flow. Water temperatures are not recorded during no-flow periods, as the water around the sensor tends to warm up.

Water temperature is recorded in a bucket being fed by the seawater system, as shown in this post.

Air temperature is recorded by a TMP36 temperature sensor set outside the building under a table for shade. This is not nearly as good as a real weather station sensor, but beggars can't be choosers.

Data in the current year's file will be updated as I get around to it.

Below is some example R code to open the data file, format the date/time correctly, and plot the water or air temperatures.
# Filename: open_MSC_temps_file.R
# Author: Luke Miller   Jun 5, 2011
#Open the csv data file
df = read.csv(file.choose(),
    colClasses = c('character','numeric','numeric','numeric'))
#Next convert the time stamps to POSIXct time values
df$TimeEST = as.POSIXct(df$TimeEST, format = "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M" )
#Plot the water temperatures
plot(df$TimeEST, df$Ambient_Water, type = 'l', col = 'blue', 
    xlab = 'Date', 
    ylab = expression(paste('Water Temperature, ', degree,'C')),
    las = 1)
#Plot the air temperature (this will overwrite the previous plot if you run
#it immediately.
plot(df$TimeEST, df$Ambient_Air, type = 'l', col = 'red',
    xlab = 'Date',
    ylab = expression(paste('Air Temperature, ', degree, 'C')),
    las = 1)

Created by Pretty R at

If you have questions, you can contact me at