Category: Journal
Book Review: Practical Computing For Biologists
The book Practical Computing for Biologists aims to teach you all of those little tidbits about using computers that they never find the time to expose you to in graduate school.
Current temperature conditions at the Marine Science Center
Updated December 2013: The seawater temperature monitoring is no longer functional since I moved away and someone turned off the computer. The data I collected for 2010, 2011, and part of 2012 are available as one csv file: 2010-2012_MSC_temps.csv The time stamps are all in Eastern Standard Time (UTC-5, no daylight savings time) and the…
Printing to pdf with MS Office 2007
For those not aware, if you have Office 2007, Microsoft makes available a free download to enable you to save files as .pdf. SaveAsPDFandXPS.exe is available on the Microsoft site. It is not necessary to buy a copy of Adobe Acrobat, or go searching for any of the many free pdf printing utilities out there,…
Pictures from Quoddy Head, Maine
Photo gallery from the Three Seas program trip to Lubec Maine. October 2010.
A thermocouple datalogger based on the Arduino platform
Building a 8-channel temperature datalogger using Arduino.
Shooting movies with a Canon 40D
This Sourceforge project “EOS Camera Movie Record” provides the ability to record high quality movies from older Canon EOS DSLR’s that have Live View functionality, but lack a movie mode from the factory (40D, 50D, 450D etc). It requires you to be tethered to a PC to record the video via USB cable, and there’s…
Spring in the intertidal
Spring sprang sometime recently, making for nice tidepooling weather in Nahant.
Formatting Endnote citations revisted
Here are the basics of inserting citations from your Endnote library into a Word document. This example uses Word 2007 and Endnote X3, but the formatting rules listed here apply to earlier versions of those two programs. I tend to use “temporary citations” while writing a paper, and do the final formatting of citations and…
Using the USB-500 datalogger in Windows 7
How to use Measurement Computing’s USB-500 software under 64-bit Windows 7.
Thermocouple datalogger – the USB-501TC
In 2008, Measurement Computing released a self-contained datalogger that will record temperatures from a thermocouple continuously. The USB-501TC will read 32,510 temperature samples, each time-stamped. It will read K, J, and T-type thermocouples, and ships with the K-type thermocouple shown in the picture. The temperature readings can be taken at a number of intervals ranging…