Category: Tide prediction
A solar-powered tide clock using Arduino tide prediction libraries
Robert Werner has developed a solar-powered tide clock using my Arduino tide prediction libraries (GitHub link) I previously described here and here. The Instructables page shows how Robert used a servo motor to actuate a pair of hands on a dial face. The red and blue hands give you the time of the next high…
rtide: a R package for predicting tide heights (US locations only currently)
Joe Thorley at Poisson Consulting has released a new R package, rtide, (on which I am listed as a co-author) that provides the ability to predict future (and past) tide heights for 637 different tide stations in the United States and associated territories. The underlying data, consisting of tide harmonic constituents, are collected and released…
Tidal datums and shifting baselines
I recently dredged up an old poster on tide heights and tidal datums that several of us put together back in graduate school and presented at the Western Society of Naturalists meeting in either 2003 or 2004. This was a hot topic (for 5 or so people) at the time, since the national tidal datums…
Building a simple tide clock
Myself and Jeremy Long recently had a paper published in PeerJ (open access, free to read) describing the use of an Arduino microcontroller to predict tides and regulate the water levels in aquaria in synchrony with the natural tides. You can read more about that tide controller system here and further variations here. As part…
Controlling tide height in lab aquaria
A few years back I posted about a set of Arduino libraries I wrote to allow an Arduino with an attached clock to predict the tides for a coastal site. In that post, I showed a variation on the theme that had a motor-driven rack that transited up and down in time with the tide.…
More tide prediction with R
Edit: There is now a full-fledged R package, rtide, to accomplish the same basic task of generating time series of tide predictions that is outlined here. See this more recent post for information. In the previous post I outlined how to query the XTide software with R and parse the results into a handy-dandy data…
Interfacing XTide and R
Edit: There is now a full-fledged R package, rtide, to accomplish the same basic task of generating time series of tide predictions that is outlined here. See this more recent post for information. XTide is an open-source program that predicts tide heights and current speeds for hundreds of tide and current stations around the United…
Using Arduino tide predictions
In the previous post, I outlined some Arduino code to generate tide height predictions for a NOAA tidal reference station. Now let’s do something useful with this newfound functionality. In the experiments I run, it’s useful to keep intertidal animals like snails and limpets on a natural tidal cycle. In addition, some animals like high-shore…
Tide height prediction with the Arduino
A collaborator of mine, Dr. Jeremy Long at SDSU, approached me with the idea of building a system to recreate rising and falling tide heights in his aquaria. One of the keys to making this work was having some way to specify what the tide height should be at any given time. While there is…